Games Precipice is a two-person writing venture exploring the depths of tabletop game design one topic at a time. Alex Harkey and Matt Pavlovich launched this site in 2013 after both blogged frequently about game design on Matt’s previous blog that he began in grad school. It’s a tale as old as time.
Matt Pavlovich is the editor of Trends in Biotechnology, a scientific journal about applied biological sciences. Matt currently resides in North Carolina with his wife Stephanie and has been consistently blogging about a variety of topics since 2006. Matt earned a Doctorate in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley and previous earned a Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology. He enjoys crafting and enjoying fine beverages, trivia, barbecue and playing music.
Alex Harkey is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) who currently resides in Colorado with his wife Angela and has been blogging inconsistently since at least 2012. He earned a Masters in Business Administration from the Georgia Institute of Technology in 2016 after learning about the importance of redundancy while attending Georgia Tech for a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration in 2010. He’s an aspiring stay-at-home astronaut and enjoys the great outdoors, reality television, the great indoors and true crime documentaries in a different order than they were just given.